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Marcelo Haroldo Vieira

Marcelo started his activities in the area of ​​Intellectual Property at ARARIPE in 1989, helping and contributing to the success of the Trademarks Department, becoming Head of the Protocol Department in 2006. Marcelo is one of the oldest employees of our team and, formed by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) as an Industrial […]

Jorge Assunção

Jorge began his career in the field of Intellectual Property in 1989, being one of the oldest employees at ARARIPE, joining as an Office Assistant. Graduate in Pedagogy with the title of Professor, Jorge dedicated part of his career to work with Education in Urban Outskirts and in research and extension projects that focus on […]

Aline da Silva do Nascimento

Aline do Nascimento began her professional career in the area of Intellectual Property as a legal secretary at Araripe Advogados in 2018, helping and contributing to the organization of partners in the daily operational demands, especially in the Petrópolis office.